SBC provides more competitive programs for talented boys and girls that are motivated to improve their basketball skills and are interested in playing advanced competition. If your child is in grades 3-6, they are eligible to try out for one of our many Select teams. Open tryouts are held in early October to evaluate players and determine which players have the potential to be successful in these programs. Players of like skill are placed on teams based on the evaluation of our tryout coordinator and their staff. During tryouts, players take part in drills that will help us to access their skill level. In addition to these skills, players participate in various 1 on 1, 3 on 3, and 5 on 5 scrimmages.
Q: Who is eligible to play on a Select basketball team?
A: Any 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grader who lives in the Sycamore School District.
A: Please contact Select Boys Coordinator for boys or Select Girls Coordinator for any girl's questions.
A: Select teams get more practice time to work on skill development and game strategy. In addition, Select teams play tougher competition in league play. Teams will play 20 regular-season games as opposed to 10 regular-season games for recreational teams, and will typically play in a few tournaments throughout the year.
A: Yes. Select players currently pay an additional fee per season.
Q: Can my child play up a grade?
A: All players must attend the Select try out for their current grade.
Q: Does my child need to attend both nights of tryouts?
A: The SBC Board highly recommends that players attend both nights of Select tryouts. However, if a player cannot attend one night of tryouts or is injured, the SBC Board has the discretion to place the player on a Select team.
Q: How will the results of the tryouts be communicated and when?
A: SBC Board members and try out evaluators will meet to process evaluations and put together the teams. Once all teams have been finalized, results are posted on our website typically no later than the Sunday evening after tryouts are complete.
Q: What if my child does not make a Select team?
A: Your child will automatically be placed on a Recreational team.
Q: What does the 3rd-grade BOYS Select schedule look like this year?
A: In the past years SBC had a Rec Plus team for 3rd Grade which played both a 10 game Sycamore schedule as well as a 20 game city league schedule. It was thought to be too many games for this age athlete. Instead of a Rec Plus, we will have a 3rd Grade Select A team. If interest and talent permit, there may also be a 3rd Grade Select B team. Any player who plays select will NOT play in the Sycamore in house league and therefore will only play a 20 game season plus tournament(s).